Substitutions may be necessary due to a global flower shortage. By moving forward with your transaction you are agreeing to the possibility of substitutions.

Art Glass Treasure Bouquet

Art Glass Treasure Bouquet
Art Glass Treasure Bouquet
Art Glass Treasure Bouquet
Art Glass Treasure Bouquet
The art of affection! Take her breath away with this beautiful bouquet of lush lavender roses and pink lilies, carefully arranged in a high-fashion, hand-blown art glass vase with swirling iridescent finish.

Substitution Policy

Same day delivery on orders placed before 10am. Delivery time until 3pm. Due to seasonal availability, if the exact flowers or container you have selected are not available, our expert florist will create a beautiful bouquet with the freshest available flowers. We will only substitute items of equal or higher value.

This item is not available online. Please call for purchasing options.